Saturday, 9 April 2011

Sunday, 30 January 2011

Methods of Working

One topic which had really started to intrigue me since starting the MA/MSc course is different methodologies which can be applied to achieve a result or goal on a project. Be it a new innovative way of thinking or a more traditional process.

We've recently been involved with Newcastle Council for Voluntary Service helping them to analyse key areas of the organisation and to look into their existing branding and marketing.


Patterns... so many uses!

I'm always finding some good uses for a simple pattern.

Degree Show 2010

Some images of the student degree show catalogue.

More information and the full campaign can be seen at:

Degree Show 2010

For the final degree show of our undergrad course we decided to 'think outside of the box' and come up with a theme that reflected each personality on the programme.

We developed the branding, accompanying publications, viral marketing and oversaw the curation of the exhibition area.

Response to ISTD Brief "100"

This was my response to the ISTD brief "100"  
A poster that dates the history of Britain's currency system. The final outcome was an A2 screen printed poster in metallic gold ink. A supplement and postage tube also accompanied the piece.

Computer Arts Magazine Feature

Myself and Donna were recently featured in Computer Arts Magazines annual calendar.